Wednesday, October 8, 2008


by Rachel Mueller

The nature of humans and the nature of the earth doesn't change all too much over the matter of time. The Archetypes of the platonic ideal of the woman figure still exists and is deeply planted into history. The need for inspiration to the hero, drives the individual to reach what they want. This begins the journey of an individual driven by a goal. "The Virgin Mary matches the description of the Platonic ideal as a spiritual and inspirational attraction rather than a voluptuous or secular catch. The Virgin brings out the best in the image of the female" Link

Mythology/ Fairy-tales/ Folk-tales/Legends

From Clifton Snider's, The Stuff That Dreams Are Made On.
In many of Carl Jung's books he related Archetypal Images, Themes, and Symbols. Archetypes are universal figures and have a psychological connection to people. The heroine or feminine hero does exist in the world. The feminine hero can guide or lead or even lead him or her astray. The Platonic Ideal gives the inspiration and a spiritual model for an individual. Making the intellectual or spiritual attraction, other than a physical attraction. Link

Symbols of the Archetype

To be:


By auntsmack4u on Flickr


By believingthom... on Flickr

A spiritual Being

By London Brad on Flickr


By vickyindisgui... on Flickr

Examples from literature and film

by Pixar
In relation to the Platonic Ideal in the movie Wall-e, Wall-e met a girl named Eve and soon enough his adventure began. This love crazed archetype will literally go to the ends of the earth to get the love of his life. Essence was captured in a unique way with this intellectual attraction. Through sadness, love, pain, curiosity and loneliness, this all had led to a whirl wind adventure which had helped him to discover what he was meant for, just to get the girl in the end, his first true love. Wall-e goes through many obstacles and difficulties to figure out what he really is doing in life and to once again have his true love. Of course this was all just to get the girl in the end.

Current Events

Listomania: the saviour of slothful journalists.(Column)
WHAT is the dominant journalistic form of the day? The opinion piece?
News reports?
Confessional columns?
Not really. Glancing through a weekend's papers and magazines reveals that the triumphant format of our times, the Platonic ideal to which all others feebly aspire, is, quite simply, the graded list.
Although some papers do still report, analyse and criticise events in the outside world, the main purpose of most features pages is to aid and abet shopping.
They tell people what they ought to be buying in order to impress other people.
There is no more emphatic way of doing this than the list.


On the Platonic 'Ideal' as it was Understood by Aristotle

This poem tells about the philosophy of Aristotle and his thoughts of the Platonic Ideal.

Art Work

Strength of one. Shut up and do.

Raina Gustafson